Dr. Sinatra's HeartMD Institute

Protect Yourself With These Heart Health Tests

Heart health tests

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times: Inflammation—not cholesterol—is the true cause of heart disease!

Thanks to advancing science and books like The Great Cholesterol Myth, medicine’s vice grip on cholesterol is finally starting to loosen. But far too many doctors still remain fixated on blood lipids, and overlook much more accurate indicators of cardiovascular risk. The result? Heart attacks and strokes that seemingly come out of the blue.

To assess your true risk for heart disease, make sure your doctor is going beyond what’s “standard” and looking at the following markers. If you have a family history of early heart attack or other cardiovascular events, start getting tested at age 30. If not, it’s okay to wait until age 50 or the onset of symptoms, whichever comes first.

Why and How to Test Cholesterol Particle Size

Essential Heart Tests: Bloodwork

Heart Rate Variability

I like to tell people that heart rate variability, or HRV, is the best heart health test they’ve never heard of. In a nutshell, it measures the intervals between your heartbeats. Individuals with low HRV are more prone to develop cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome, and tend to have higher risk for cardiac events—which make it an essential test for assessing your true heart health.

Heart Rate Variability

Imaging and Other Heart Tests

Of course, knowing your blood pressure numbers is also of crucial importance, as high blood pressure is a serious cardiac risk factor.

The heart tests I have listed here can make a big difference in whether you need treatment or not, and what kind. You can find more information about tests for strokes and where I like the numbers to be at Drsinatra.com.

© Stephen Sinatra, M.D. All rights reserved.

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