Dr. Sinatra's HeartMD Institute

Non-Toxic Household Cleaners

non-toxic cleaning alternatives

We live in an ultra-hygienic society. We often find hand sanitizing cloths at the entrance of stores we shop in so we may conveniently avoid “germs” left behind on the cart someone else just pushed around. We paper public toilet seats and plug chemical air fresheners into each room to mask everyday odors. Without getting into how industry advertising has contributed to an antiseptic America, it’s safe to say that health is one of the primary reasons we cite to justify sterilizing our homes with the numerous, specialized cleaning products on the market today. Ironically, many common household cleaning products pose greater health hazards than the germs, dust, and stains they are designed to get rid of.

In the name of a sanitary home or workplace, we may repeatedly expose ourselves to toxic, or otherwise irritating, chemicals contained within the many household cleaners that we inhale or absorb through the skin. While we risk acute toxicity when using products like chlorine bleach and ammonia, we also may unknowingly expose ourselves to less obvious hazards through long-term, repeated use of common household products. These under-the-radar toxins pose a more insidious risk: they may contribute to chronic, long-term health effects like hormone disruption or cancer.

Acute Toxicity of Cleaning Products

According to the 26th Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers, there were approximately 2.5 million human exposures reported to U.S. poison centers in 2008.1Household cleaning substances were the third most common agent reported, accounting for 8.6 percent of all adult exposures and 9.7 percent of exposures in children (totaling almost 340,000 exposures). Although most of the reported exposures were due to ingestion of a cleaning substance, almost 20 percent of the cases involved exposure through the skin, respiratory tract or eyes. The most commonly reported perpetrators included dishwashing detergents, bleaches, laundry detergents, glass cleaners, drain cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, and wall/floor cleaners. Whether ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin or eyes, these products all raised cause for concern.

Not all acutely toxic cleaning products bear bright skull-and-crossbones stickers indicating poisonous potential. Sometimes warnings of toxicity which results from particular product combinations is buried in the fine print. For example, chlorine bleach and ammonia, when utilized separately, may produce fumes which can irritate your eyes and respiratory tract. When combined together or with substances like lye, though, they are acutely toxic and can cause lung damage. With immediate effects, acutely toxic products are usually the ones reported to poison centers.

Chronically Toxic Household Cleaning Products

Chronically toxic cleaning products are those that, through repeated use, place us at risk for developmental health effects like cancer. While some substances may be inherently carcinogenic (cause cancer by disrupting cellular metabolism or damaging DNA), the combination of otherwise innocuous substances may cause the formation of a carcinogen.

For example, products which contain the unfortunate combination of sudsing agents like DEA (diethanolamine) or TEA (triethanolamine) with nitrates (often found in preservatives or contaminants) form nitrosamines. Found in cigarette smoke, nitrosamines may also lurk in cosmetics, personal hygiene products, and sunscreens. They have been linked to allergies, endocrine disruption, neurotoxicity, reproductive toxicity and even cancer; they are tumor initiators, which means they can initiate tumor formation in high doses or in low doses when combined with tumor promoters like estrogen, saccharine or sodium lauryl sulfate (a surfactant found in cleaners).

Some cleansers may also contain butyl cellosolve (also known as ethylene glycol monobutyl ether), which may be a neurotoxin. Cleaners made with ethoxylated alcohols may contain 1.4-dioxane, a known eye and respiratory tract irritant and possible central nervous system, liver and kidney toxin. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has classified 1.4-dioxine as a “probable human carcinogen.”2

Cleaning products, especially those with fragrances, may also contain chemicals which mimic or block hormones such as estrogen, androgens and thyroid in the body, and can disrupt hormone function. Such chemicals are linked with breast cancer, infertility, and even reproductive effects in the male fetus. Some chemicals in synthetic fragrances have also been linked to carcinogenicity and neurotoxicity in lab animals.3When inhaled or absorbed through the skin, such fragrances may also induce symptoms of acute toxicity. Sneezing, watery eyes and respiratory irritation are common reactions, especially in people with allergies or asthma, or those who are more chemically sensitive.

There’s Something Rotten in Denmark

Fragrances, themselves, such as those found in laundry detergents and fabric softeners or perfumes, are of particular concern because we most often don’t know what’s in them. Manufacturers aren’t legally required to list the hundreds of chemicals which may make up a fragrance; most of the time, “fragrance,” or “perfume,” is all that is required. Protection of trade secrets and other commercial interests currently trumps public health needs when it comes to fragrances, and consumers are, sadly, left in the dark.

In our efforts to cover up smells natural to our bodies, pets, or kitchens, we may be polluting ourselves with an unknown quantity of toxic chemicals. In a chemical analysis of three bestselling air fresheners and three bestselling laundry supplies, researchers discovered nearly 100 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), or primary pollutants, 10 of which are classified as toxic or hazardous under federal law. None of these VOCs appeared on the product labels. Some fragrances also contain secondary pollutants, and generate formaldehyde and ultrafine particles when reacting with ozone in indoor air. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has determined that one-third of all substances used by fragrance manufacturers are toxic.4

Avoid These Common Toxins in Household Cleaning Products

Finding Safer Commercial Cleaning Products

The good news is that there are several brands of non-toxic, biodegradable cleaning products available on the market today. They can usually be found in specialty, if not larger-chain grocery stores or superstores (e.g. Target). If you can’t find them in your local shop, ask the merchant to stock the shelves with healthier products (demand and they shall supply).

Some safer, greener brands I’m aware of include:


If you have the inclination, you can make your own cleaning products. Not only is this an economically sound option (most ingredient combinations prove less expensive than commercially produced products), but it affords you the most control in protecting your loved ones from toxic assailants masking as germ-busters. The following recipes contain basic ingredients, most of which can be found in your kitchen, with which you can use alone or combine into a cleaning kit to suit your individual cleaning needs. Although not guaranteed to be 100 percent non-toxic, they are sure to be much safer alternatives to most commercial products. Use caution when trying a new homemade product for the first time; try testing it out in a small area first before cleaning your house top-to-bottom.

The basics include:

The following recipes serve as suggestions. Mix and match preferred ingredients and double or triple the recipes to suit your individual cleaning needs. Store in plastic spray bottles or, better yet, empty glass jars. Mix them well, don’t forget to label them, and keep them out of children’s reach.

Remember also to vacuum with a HEPA filter, as it can trap small particles which can cause allergy symptoms and respiratory distress.

1. Bronstein AC, Spyker DA, et.al. “2008 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ National Poison Data System (NPDS): 26th Annual Report.”Clinical Toxicology (2009) 47, 911–1084.

2.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Technology Transfer Network Air Toxics Web Site. “1,4-Dioxane (1,4-Diethyleneoxide).”

3. Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and Environmental Working Group, “Not so Sexy: the Health Risks of Secret Chemicals in Fragrance.” Safecosmetics.org, May 2010.

4. Id.

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