Dr. Sinatra's HeartMD Institute

Ways to Quit Smoking

girl breaking cigarette in half

Cigarette smoking is one of the hardest habits to break, despite how crucial it is to do so. Here are some reality-based tips that can help you or a loved one quit.

Countless Reasons to Quit Smoking

You probably are well aware of the countless health-related reasons to quit smoking…Tobacco use (via cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, etc.) is the leading preventable cause of disability, disease and death in the U.S. Of the more than 4,000 chemicals found in tobacco and tobacco smoke, 60 are known to cause cancer; most of the rest of these chemicals cause free-radical damage to arteries. Smoking and breathing in secondhand smoke also intensify the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which can lead to clogged arteries and increase a your or a loved one’s risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

Additionally, smoking increases your risk of developing chronic lung diseases. Pregnant women who smoke are more likely to miscarry or have children with low-birth weights. Heavier smoking can chronically increase sympathetic nervous system activity, which can lead to hormonal imbalance.

But people continue to smoke, despite knowing that – as Kurt Vonnegut put it – “smoking is the surest form of suicide.” A smoking habit can simply defy reason, as the smoker is blinded by addiction.

Why Is It So Hard to Quit Smoking?

Especially those who smoke 10+ cigarettes per day, quitting smoking may mean complete re-habituation… that is, learning a whole new set of daily routines. Not only is the nicotine in tobacco physiologically addictive, but the activity of smoking may be deeply ingrained in people’s lives. Smokers tend to associate smoking with daily transitions or processes like eating, drinking coffee or alcohol, working, socializing, taking a break or even simply being outside; the uncertainty of engaging in these habits without smoking may be disorienting and even scary.

Dr. Arthur Brody, a UCLA researcher who has studied the effects of nicotine on the brain says, “the many effects of smoking, including elevated mood and alleviation of anxiety, suggest that a long-term smoker may face considerable biochemical, cognitive, and emotional readjustments when he or she quits.” The thought of making such changes may too be overwhelming for smokers to make “today the day” to quit. The unfortunate reality for smokers, though, is that cigarettes can seriously endanger their health, as well as the health of others around them, including loved ones and pets, when they light up. That’s why we’ve listed tips below to help you or someone you love kick the deadly habit.

How You Can Prepare to Quit Smoking

I encourage all smokers to test themselves for 24 hours, even if to just to get a glimpse of the daily challenges that may lie ahead with quitting. Once you go one day without, try two, then three. Since nicotine takes about 48 to 72 hours to leave the circulatory system, getting over that three-day hump means you have accomplished half the battle. After that, there’s the emotional/mental addiction and re-habituation.

Mentally preparing for physical withdrawal symptoms can help increase your chances of getting through the day (or three+) without a cigarette. Nicotine withdrawal can cause symptoms of irritability, sleep disruption, attention difficulty, increased appetite, and intense tobacco cravings, which tend to peak at around 48 hours after your last cigarette. This is because nicotine, like cocaine, marijuana and heroin, increases levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that leads to a sense of pleasure and reward. Nicotine also creates effects of increased mental alertness and performance, and stimulates the release of hormones that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and inhibit pain. While most symptoms disappear within a few days, the hunger and tobacco cravings can persist for months. Quitting smoking is really difficult for many smokers; relapsing is common and sometimes it can take many attempts before cigarettes truly become a thing of the past.

Ways to Quit Smoking

For some people, using a nicotine replacement tool like the patch or gum to help wean off nicotine is what it takes, while others do it best “cold turkey” (though I discourage using e-cigarettes for a variety of reasons, as I discuss in Should You Quit Smoking with E-Cigs?).

The most important thing is to set your mind to quit and to do it, no matter what. If you don’t make it on the first try, keep trying… for your health and the health of those around you.

If you or someone you love wants to quit, I suggest the following: you or someone you know wants to quit, I suggest the following:

Resources for Smoking Cessation:

Additional References:

© Stephen Sinatra. All rights reserved.

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