Dr. Sinatra's HeartMD Institute

Q & A: Cell Phones and WiFi Health Risks

three young adults sitting on a park bench looking at their cell phones

**Q:In your video, “Wireless Risk”, what type of phone did you say gave off the least radiation? I got EMF radiation poisoning from my high powered zero-turn lawn mower that gave me 3 different cancers which turned into 6 (all now gone) and EMF sensitivity. Of course, I do not use a cell phone at all, but my daughter and son do (mostly texting), and I would like to know about the phone you were showing us so I can tell them about it. Though my cancer is gone – all radiation (electrical magnetic, wireless and ionizing) will instantly activate the old cancer sites so I know they all cause cancer, as well.

A: The phone used in the “Wireless Risk” video is a Motorola V3x, which has a low SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) rating. Basically, the fancier the phone, the more toxic it is. It’s good to use cellular phones as little as possible, and use the texting function to minimize radiation exposure. Your kids are smart! Texting exposes us to far less radiation than making phone calls does.

You may want to read Wireless Radiation Rescue by Kerry Crofton, Ph.D, which provides more detailed information about safer usage of cell phones. Crofton is very knowledgeable about the risks associated with EMF, and provides useful strategies and suggestions for minimizing exposure.

Great to hear your cancer is gone! And remember, that although we live in a very toxic environment, there are ways to protect ourselves!

**Q: I heard Dr. Sinatra speak lately at a conference in which he spoke about an electro-pollution detector. Could you recommend such a detector for me (for personal use)? Also, I understand that there are detectors for wireless waves, for magnetic and electronic waves. Is there a detector that can cover them all?

A: There are generally two types of electrosmog detectors. The one spoken about is used to detect radio frequency (RF) waves, and is also known as a RF detector. A RF detector can measure the RF waves of cell phones, cell phone masts/towers, baby monitors, Wi-Fi routers, sonar (airplanes, ships), cordless phones, microwaves, smart meters, and any other device that emits radio frequencies. The other kind of electrosmog detector measures electromagnetic fields, and is known as an EMF detector. These devices pick up on electromagnetic frequencies generated from household appliances, power lines, computers, and any object that is generating an electromagnetic field.

The detector shown at the conference is no longer available, but similar devices can be found at The EMF Safety Superstore. Combination RF/EMF detectors can be found at this site as well.

**Q: Although not a wireless question, per se…Entering the cold weather season, what harm, if any does sleeping under an electric blanket cause?

A: In her book, Wireless Radiation Rescue, Kerry Crofton, PhD addresses this exact issue. She writes that while “electric blankets and heating pads seem comforting and health enhancing,”they may expose us to extreme levels of electric fields and possibly magnetic fields. Additionally, because the wires running through electric blankets may attract radio waves, they have the potential to re-radiate electric fields from other devices. Crofton also notes, “Some research has suggested that exposure to low-level magnetic fields emitted by… electric blankets can damage DNA in brain cells.” She suggests an organic wool /cotton comforter and hot-water bottles as non-electrical alternatives to electric blankets and heating pads.

Do you have a question about effects of cell phones or WiFi on health that you’d like answered on our site? E-mail us at info@heartmdinstitute.com and we’ll do our best to post an answer on this page.

*Indicates that Q&A has been reprinted or adapted from Candid Advice About Your Heart, a Heart, Health & Nutrition supplement, with permission from Healthy Directions, LLC.

**Indicates that Q&A has been posted in response to emails or comments submitted to HeartMD Institute. © 2012 HeartMD Institute. All rights reserved.

Please note that Dr. Sinatra does not provide medical advice through HeartMD Institute; any and all information found on this site is intended solely as an informational tool, and it should never replace a visit to your physician nor be considered medical advice upon which you rely when making health-related decisions.

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