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Foods That Help You Sleep

nuts, seeds, and granola are high tryptophan foods that can help you sleep

Recently, one of you asked this question here at HeartMD:

Dear Dr. Sinatra,

Which foods do you suggest for peaceful digestion and a good night’s sleep? —Johanne M.

Oh boy, I could say so much about the importance of regularly getting a good night’s sleep!

In this article, I’ll focus on:

How Food Can Impact Sleep

The foods we eat, particularly those eaten later in the day and evening, can either help us sleep or prevent us from sleeping.

One mistake I often see is reaching for the proverbial glass of warm milk. People think that by drinking milk, they’re benefitting from the tryptophan it contains. To some extent they are, but it’s largely offset by the fact that milk is also high in sugar—a stimulant that revs us up gets us going, not sleeping!

Eating foods with sugar right before bed not only can prevent us from falling asleep, but it can cause us to wake up in the middle of the night. With the initial rise in blood sugar comes the inevitable blood sugar drop. Our bodies need energy, we wake up, open the fridge or turn on the kitchen light, and then our melatonin production is halted, which can make it harder for us to fall back asleep.

Milk is double trouble if you follow a lot of other online advice and combine it with a bowl of cereal. Since most cereals are high-glycemic (cause our blood sugar to quickly rise), you’re setting yourself up for a blood sugar crash in the middle of the night. Plus, this hypoglycemia can cause the heart to race at night, compounding sleep issues.

Focus on Tryptophan Foods to Sleep Better

So what should you do instead? I recommend focusing on foods rich in nutrients that help with relaxation, as well as foods that help the body produce hormones essential for good sleep: serotonin and melatonin. That way, when you’re ready to sleep, your body will be, too.

Specifically, you’ll want to eat more foods that contain the amino acid tryptophan. Turkey is probably the best known tryptophan food—and the reason we feel so drowsy after Thanksgiving dinner!

The brain uses tryptophan to create serotonin, a relaxing, feel-good neurotransmitter. Some of that serotonin is then converted into the sleep hormone melatonin. Since the amount of melatonin your body can make partially depends on how much serotonin is available, upping your intake of tryptophan foods is a good way to boost production.

Here are some specific tryptophan foods to try:

Eating Habits That May Be Sabotaging a Good Night’s Sleep

There are also some definite “food don’ts” when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. Here are three things you should avoid:

Pair Tryptophan Foods With Other Sleep Tips

If these snack suggestions don’t do the trick on their own, I’d suggest pairing them with some other tips for getting a good night’s sleep. Make sure your sleep environment is completely dark and on the cool side. Don’t sleep near electronic devices, and put away anything with a screen well before bedtime.

You may also want to reflect on your stress level. Often, our worries can keep us from sleeping soundly (or at all). Prolonged stress can lead to elevated levels of the hormone cortisol, which prevents the body from being able to fully turn itself off.  Reducing your cortisol levels and finding effective ways to manage stress can also improve sleep.

Don’t, however, be tempted to turn to prescription or over-the-counter sleep aids. These solutions work, but usually not for long. The body builds a tolerance that can eventually worsen insomnia. Natural remedies are a much healthier alternative.

Sleep Better Naturally: Melatonin Benefits Outweigh Side Effects

Good luck!


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