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Bone Broth Benefits Pets Too

bone broth benefits dogs and cats too

Homemade bone broth has been cooked and consumed by people since the dawn of time, but only recently has it experienced a major resurgence among the general public. As a doctor, I find this thrilling! Any time you can make something at home, from scratch, it will not only be tastier but far healthier too.

Bone broth does in fact have many health benefits. I’ve been making it for years—for my human and furry family members.

That’s right…bone broth isn’t just for people! One of our family dogs has been enjoying it regularly since we discovered how much she loves it.

We never intentionally planned to make it part of her diet. But watching her sniff the scent wafting from the stove and looking at us with such pleading eyes (she was clearly tortured by the aroma), we had to give her a bowl of it too. She couldn’t get enough!

The good news is, bone broth is perfectly safe for dogs and cats alike (with a few caveats discussed below) and makes a wonderful addition to their regular diet.

Bone Broth Health Benefits & Nutrition

Bone broth contains many unique and important nutrients:

Here are the ways bone broth may be beneficial for your pet…

Bone Broth Precautions & Caveats

While bone broth is generally safe for both cats and dogs, it is still wise to discuss its use with your veterinarian. And while generally well tolerated, adverse reactions may develop, so keep an eye out for any digestive issues like diarrhea or vomiting.

Introduce bone broth slowly and gradually, and watch for any side effects. If you notice anything, stop feeding the broth.

And remember, bone broth should not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet, but rather an addition or supplement. Pour some on top of kibble, for instance. Or give a little bowl as “dessert.” Just as you would with treats, adjust portion based on your pet’s size.

Finally—and very importantly—simple is the way to go when making bone broth for your dog or cat. While I encourage people to include a variety of vegetables and spices into their bone broth recipes, dogs and cats don’t need any of these extra ingredients.

In fact, as obligate carnivores, cats’ diets should consist mainly of meat. Dogs do well with many different vegetables, but even so, there is no need to include them—and doing so may in fact make them sick. (Onions, garlic, and other allium vegetables are toxic to both dogs and cats.) Trust me, they just want the good stuff—pure broth made from only the bones!

With that said, here is how I recommend making bone broth for your pet:

If using your stovetop, bring the broth to a boil. Once it’s boiling, reduce to low heat, cover, and allow it to simmer for at least 12 hours. The longer you simmer, the more nutrient-rich the broth will be.

If using a slow cooker, cook on low for at least 8 hours.

Pour the broth through a strainer into a bowl and discard any strained solids. The broth can be stored in the refrigerator 7 days, or in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Should You Give the Cooked Bones to Your Dog?

You may be wondering, after reading this, whether you can give cooked bones to your dog to gnaw on after making bone broth. We advise against doing so. Veterinarians do not recommend giving cooked bones to dogs, because they can become brittle and break easily. Cooked bones can cause choking and can splinter and cause serious damage to the digestive tract. Additionally, veterinary dentists do not recommend giving these types of bones to dogs due to risk of tooth fractures. So while gnawing on bones can help clean dogs’ teeth, the risk of serious problems is too great.

*This blog was developed with Veterinarian Dana Wilhite, DVM to help educate pet owners.


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