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Protecting the Aging Brain

Happy senior couple laying in meadow in the grass in summer

Ashes to ashes…Dust to dust…Oil those brains…Before they rust.

—Children’s poet Jack Prelutsky, from A. Nonny Mouse Writes Again!

Your brain is a 3-pound mass of water, fat, and 100 billion neurons. That’s about 2 percent of total body weight—but we all know that it plays a much heftier role in the overall scheme of things. The brain is the CEO of your body. As such, it deserves a good deal of attention, especially as you start getting up in years.

All of the activity carried on by the brain that we call “thinking” is accomplished through electricity and chemicals. To help protect these vital processes and maintain optimum mental function for as long as possible, medical science has given us some con­crete ideas—many of which I’ve shared with you over the years. After attending a great lecture on protecting the brain while at an anti-aging confer­ence in Las Vegas, I thought it would be a good time to revisit the subject. So let this article serve as a brief refresher course on the brain. It’s a subject you really can’t know enough about.

Physical Changes Are Predictable

As we age, the brain—like the rest of the body—changes in ways that make it less efficient. For instance, beginning in our 60s or 70s, brain mass may shrink a bit. Certain areas downsize more than others. One of them is the frontal lobe, which con­tains the prefrontal cortex—the primary thinking area of the brain—and another is the hippocampus, which is where new memories are formed. At the same time, the outer surface of the brain thins slightly due to a reduction in synaptic connections, the communication avenues between brain cells.

The amount of white matter also decreases. This fatty tissue serves both as electrical insulation and as the passageway for messages traveling between different areas of grey matter that belong to the nervous system. Aging white matter is linked with changes in the speed of memory, attention, action, problem solving, and decision-making abilities. Aging brains also produce fewer neurotransmit­ters—chemicals like serotonin—to transport mes­sages between brain cells. There is also a loss of receptor sites on cells for these chemicals, which can affect memory.

It’s Not Always Alzheimer’s

When confronted with a loss of mental function in an aging patient, it’s difficult for doctors to pin­point the precise cause. Many things can contribute to a decline, either by themselves or in combina­tion: Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia from impaired blood flow to parts of the brain, long-standing hypertension, mini-strokes, a lifetime of drinking too much alcohol, and even lack of exercise.

People commonly refer to dementia as Alzheimer’s, but that may not necessarily be the case. Alzheim­er’s disease is a specific condition that destroys brain cells and causes problems with memory, thinking, and behavior that, even in its early stag­es, are severe enough to affect work, lifelong hob­bies, and one’s social life. It is, however, the most common of dementia-related conditions, it worsens over time, and it can be fatal.

There is a great deal that medical science does not yet know when it comes to the aging brain. For that reason, the right diagnosis is often elusive. It’s also worth noting that your ability to quickly remember what you did with your keys or glasses, or to remember peoples’ names, is often affected by much lesser problems than dementia (drug side effects are one cause). And remember, there is a natural slowing down in the speed of recall with age.

Anti-aging medicine is about protecting the body (and the brain) as we get older. It’s not about simply prolonging life, especially if that means you must live in a minimally functional state. Instead, it focuses on preserving physical and mental faculties and slow­ing the pace of decline that naturally accompanies time—so the quality of your life remains high.

Ways to Support Your Brain

There are a number of natural ways to stay men­tally sharp. Here are some of my favorites:

While I’m on the topic of exercise, I’d also like to emphasize the importance of wearing a helmet if you participate in an activity like cycling. An unexpected fall could cause an injury that may permanently damage the brain. We’re especially vulnerable to this as we age because our blood vessels become more prone to bleeding.

Finally, remember that we live in an increasingly toxic environment. Along with pesticides, insecti­cides, and chemical pollutants, we are constantly exposed to new wireless technologies that can have disruptive effects on the body. These factors threat­en our faculties, in the young and old alike, and we have to protect ourselves as much as possible.


This article originally appeared in the March 2009 issue of Dr. Sinatra’s monthly written newsletter,  Heart, Health & Nutrition. HMDI has reprinted this article with permission from Healthy Directions, LLC (© 2009 Healthy Directions, LLC).

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