
Can You Slow Down Aging?

Myth: You can’t slow down aging. Fact: You can definitely stay healthier longer and enjoy a better quality of life. My Recommendation: It’s not rocket science. Make smart lifestyle choices. As a cardiologist and anti–aging specialist, I have… Continue Reading

The Mind/Body Connection

Conventional medicine, designed to address the physical manifestation of illnesses through surgical and pharmaceutical interventions, certainly saves lives and ameliorates acute medical situations. However, with chronic illness, especially cancer, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disorders, and diabetes, the need to… Continue Reading

Protecting the Aging Brain

Ashes to ashes…Dust to dust…Oil those brains…Before they rust. —Children’s poet Jack Prelutsky, from A. Nonny Mouse Writes Again! Your brain is a 3-pound mass of water, fat, and 100 billion neurons. That’s about 2 percent of total… Continue Reading