
Natural Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs & Cats  

With warmer weather can come greater risk of fleas and ticks on our furry pals. Discover which flea and tick control methods are the best for your pet and family.

When Is a Dog’s Panting Excessive?

With Guest Author Emila Smith. Imagine it’s the middle of summer and you’re wearing warm clothes that cover your entire body (apart from your palms and feet). You would be sweating and still feel hot. That is what… Continue Reading

Bone Broth Benefits Pets Too

Homemade bone broth has been cooked and consumed by people since the dawn of time, but only recently has it experienced a major resurgence among the general public. As a doctor, I find this thrilling! Any time you… Continue Reading

How Cats Communicate

If you own a dog, you know how expressive and animated they can be. It’s hard to mistake emotions like excitement or contentment in a pup. Cats, on the other hand…well, let’s just say they’re not as easy… Continue Reading

Caring for Senior Pets

If you’ve raised a puppy or kitten, you know they’re a lot of work. Well worth it, but nevertheless hard! Taking care of a senior pet can be just as challenging, and for totally different reasons. The good… Continue Reading

Recognizing and Preventing Cat Urinary Tract Issues

If you’re a cat owner, you’re probably intimately familiar with his litterbox habits. After all, you’re the one cleaning it out, so you get a good idea of how-much-of-what your cat is doing every day. While cleaning up… Continue Reading

Nurturing Your Pet’s Microbiome

When you became a dog or cat owner, I bet you never thought he or she would come with a whole community of other bugs as part of the package. Fortunately, I’m not talking about fleas, ticks, or… Continue Reading

Avoid Holiday Dangers and Keep Pets Safe

Nothing puts a damper on good times quite like having to rush your dog or cat to the vet or hospital due to a holiday-related mishap. Here are some common holiday dangers for pets to keep in mind, so you can plan and decorate accordingly—and celebrate with a little less stress and worry.