You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning feeling (and looking) worse than you did before you got in bed? The one where you feel like you haven’t slept at all? Unfortunately, it’s a pretty… Continue Reading

Dr. Sinatra's HeartMD Institute
Dr. Stephen SinatraStephen T. Sinatra, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.N., C.N.S., C.B.T., was a board-certified cardiologist, certified bioenergetic psychotherapist, and certified nutrition and anti-aging specialist who integrated the best and least invasive alterative and conventional therapies into his practice. He lectured and facilitated workshops worldwide and authored numerous books, articles and peer reviewed medical journal articles. He was often sought for integrative medical advice, and appeared on many national radio and television shows. He is best known for his groundbreaking work in cardiology, Earthing, stress management and using food and supplements to heal the body.
You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning feeling (and looking) worse than you did before you got in bed? The one where you feel like you haven’t slept at all? Unfortunately, it’s a pretty… Continue Reading
For several years, my wife Jan and I have been splitting time between Connecticut and Florida. We love the sun and warmth of our southern home, and it’s quickly become a place where we both feel we belong…. Continue Reading
When I was 13, I got my first lesson in how profoundly stress can affect our health. It happened when my grandmother died suddenly of a stroke after the oil heater in her basement began smoking. I remember… Continue Reading
Dr. Sinatra, I was just diagnosed with elevated cortisol. How can I lower it? —Angela Great question, Angela, and one I get a lot. In this article I’ll explain: What Cortisol Is and What It Does Why It’s Important… Continue Reading
Tense, sore shoulders. Snapping or blowing up at others easily. Feeling overwhelmed, fatigued and beat down most of the time… All symptoms of stress. Feeling stressed doesn’t just make you feel bad, though. It can be downright deadly…. Continue Reading
I never served in the military and can only imagine the kind of hell that soldiers go through in combat. I did, however, treat many combat veterans – young and old – to the best of my ability… Continue Reading
Stress is the wrecking ball of life. It demolishes happiness and contentment, smashes health and quality of life, and even shortens life. Most people, including doctors, underestimate its power; however, I don’t. I’ve seen the wreckage of stress too… Continue Reading
If healthy marriages are good for couples’ mental and physical health, as is widely accepted, what about the 40-50 percent of unhealthy marriages that end in divorce? New studies published in 2015 provide some interesting perspectives to the… Continue Reading
Among the common causes of spousal strife, one factor that rarely gets attention is food. The fact is that what you eat can undermine a relationship or marriage. The subject was brought to my attention by health writer… Continue Reading
Research has shown that day-in and day-out stresses negatively impact sexual functioning for both men and women. A 2014 study confirms these findings, and has explored the connection further, showing that daily stressors predict lower levels of sexual satisfaction for men… Continue Reading