If you have metabolic syndrome, you might want to eat like a caveman. According to new research, your symptoms are more likely to improve if you adopt a Paleolithic-type diet (Paleo diet, for short), than if you follow… Continue Reading

Dr. Sinatra's HeartMD Institute
Dr. Stephen SinatraStephen T. Sinatra, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.N., C.N.S., C.B.T., was a board-certified cardiologist, certified bioenergetic psychotherapist, and certified nutrition and anti-aging specialist who integrated the best and least invasive alterative and conventional therapies into his practice. He lectured and facilitated workshops worldwide and authored numerous books, articles and peer reviewed medical journal articles. He was often sought for integrative medical advice, and appeared on many national radio and television shows. He is best known for his groundbreaking work in cardiology, Earthing, stress management and using food and supplements to heal the body.
If you have metabolic syndrome, you might want to eat like a caveman. According to new research, your symptoms are more likely to improve if you adopt a Paleolithic-type diet (Paleo diet, for short), than if you follow… Continue Reading
“Sugar in the morning, sugar in the evening, sugar at suppertime. Be my little sugar, and love me all the time.” – “Sugartime” The McGuire Sisters You may not be old enough to remember the 1958 music chart… Continue Reading
When I was actively seeing patients, I always tried to spend a little extra time with the folks who had diabetes—talking with them about their diet and coaching them on how to eat better. It was so, so… Continue Reading
Have you ever looked at your blood test results and wondered what on earth is a triglyceride? More importantly, whether your triglyceride number is cause for concern? Triglycerides are the most common type of fat found in your body…. Continue Reading
If one man’s meat is another man’s poison, as the old saying goes, research is making it pretty clear that the real poison is processed meat. Studies, seemingly one after another, are piling up evidence indicating that processed meats… Continue Reading
Some time ago, I developed a list of what I consider the most toxic substances in our daily life. I share them with you along with the same advice I gave to my patients. You obviously can’t dodge… Continue Reading
The link between red and processed meat to colorectal cancer was reconfirmed in a 2014 review of research conducted by the National Cancer Institute. The findings were “convincing,” said the investigators of the studies they analyzed, which included… Continue Reading
Men are doers. They build. They fix. They defend, compete, achieve, and provide. Action is the name of their game. But see a doctor when something doesn’t feel right? Not so much. Men’s Health Problems That observation is… Continue Reading
Page last updated April 13, 2023. Type 2 diabetes ranks as one of the world’s fastest-growing chronic illnesses. According to the World Diabetes Foundation, the prevalence has reached epidemic proportions. Medical experts say no cure for diabetes exists…. Continue Reading
Although alcoholism is more common in men, female heavy drinkers face more serious health risks compared to males. So says a review of worldwide alcohol consumption research conducted by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. Alcoholism is a major… Continue Reading