
Greek Yogurt

1 quart 2% milk, organic, from pasture-fed cows ¼ cup plain yogurt (container should read “contains active cultures”) In a saucepan over medium heat, scald the milk (bring almost to a boil, about 170°F). Transfer it to a… Continue Reading

Greek Spinach Pie

This is an easy, crustless version of the Greek spinach pie called spanakopita. It can be made with either regular or baby spinach. Whichever you choose, top with oregano for traditional Greek flavor. The extra vegetables add a… Continue Reading

Greek Shrimp Salad

Greek salads have become a staple in American restaurants, but you can’t beat one prepared at home with the freshest, healthiest ingredients. The simple goodness of olive oil, vinegar, feta cheese and lemon never disappoints. This fruity dressing,… Continue Reading