
Causes of Fatigue

Tired all the time? There can be many causes of fatigue, and obviously, if the fatigue persists you should see a doctor. But your doctor may not know the answer… Meanwhile, you need to work, function, and live…. Continue Reading

Types of Cholesterol

There are all sorts of pages on the Web right now that still reflect outdated, overly simplified information about cholesterol, and your doctor may also be telling you the same things. Here are the basics of cholesterol that… Continue Reading

What Is a Heart Palpitation?

What is a heart palpitation? What does it feel like? Are heart palpitations normal? Are they dangerous? These are questions I’ve heard many times over years from patients and web site visitors. Heart palpitations are a common form… Continue Reading


This class of drugs includes Tambocor (flecainide), Procanbid (procainamide), Cordarone (amiodarone), Betapace (sotalol), and Lanoxin (digitalis or digoxin). Arrhythmia is the diagnosis used by cardiologists when the heartbeat is irregular or its rhythm is abnormal, due to problems… Continue Reading