Well, it’s finally official. According to the latest U.S. News and World Report rankings, the Mediterranean diet is the best overall diet for health (and especially so if you want to lose weight or control your diabetes). While… Continue Reading

Dr. Sinatra's HeartMD Institute
Dr. Stephen SinatraStephen T. Sinatra, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.N., C.N.S., C.B.T., was a board-certified cardiologist, certified bioenergetic psychotherapist, and certified nutrition and anti-aging specialist who integrated the best and least invasive alterative and conventional therapies into his practice. He lectured and facilitated workshops worldwide and authored numerous books, articles and peer reviewed medical journal articles. He was often sought for integrative medical advice, and appeared on many national radio and television shows. He is best known for his groundbreaking work in cardiology, Earthing, stress management and using food and supplements to heal the body.
Well, it’s finally official. According to the latest U.S. News and World Report rankings, the Mediterranean diet is the best overall diet for health (and especially so if you want to lose weight or control your diabetes). While… Continue Reading
Japanese researchers have found that increasing dietary fiber can help prevent childhood obesity. After analyzing dietary data and questionnaires of 5,600 boys and girls (aged 10-11 years), the researchers reported their findings in the journal Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism: “Total… Continue Reading
Have you ever looked at your blood test results and wondered what on earth is a triglyceride? More importantly, whether your triglyceride number is cause for concern? Triglycerides are the most common type of fat found in your body…. Continue Reading
Summer cookouts and picnics with family and friends can be heart-healthy – just follow these tips! My PAMM Diet You probably already know that I’m a big proponent of what I call the Pan-Asian Modified Mediterranean, or “PAMM,”… Continue Reading
I often encouraged patients who had suffered heart attacks to bring their children with them to my office so that I could utilize the parent’s unfortunate situation as a teaching moment. I wanted to help instill the message… Continue Reading
I should start a section on my website called “Old News.” I’d fill it with all of the “breaking” stories about things I was telling my patients more than two decades ago—like this piece from the New York… Continue Reading
“Should I become a vegetarian or should I stick with being a vegetarian?” I can’t tell you how often I’ve been asked this question over the years. While a meat-heavy diet is linked to an increased risk of developing… Continue Reading
Metabolic syndrome, also known as insulin resistance, is a major and escalating worldwide health problem that doubles the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and quintuples the risk of diabetes. It is a symptom-less and progressive destroyer of your… Continue Reading
Myth: The low-fat diet reduces your risk of heart disease because fat is bad for you, so eat no more than 25 to 35 percent of your food intake as fat, and keep saturated fat intake to less… Continue Reading
Did you know that an estimated 30 to 40 percent of all cancers are directly connected to obesity and the foods we eat? Not a surprising statistic, since inflammation is linked to the development of cancer and obesity,… Continue Reading