I may be old fashioned, but I strongly believe that the effects of technology are harmful to kids. Flickering electronic screens, whether from TV or cell phones or tablets or computers, along with excitable viewing content, is no… Continue Reading

Dr. Sinatra's HeartMD Institute
Dr. Stephen SinatraStephen T. Sinatra, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.N., C.N.S., C.B.T., was a board-certified cardiologist, certified bioenergetic psychotherapist, and certified nutrition and anti-aging specialist who integrated the best and least invasive alterative and conventional therapies into his practice. He lectured and facilitated workshops worldwide and authored numerous books, articles and peer reviewed medical journal articles. He was often sought for integrative medical advice, and appeared on many national radio and television shows. He is best known for his groundbreaking work in cardiology, Earthing, stress management and using food and supplements to heal the body.
I may be old fashioned, but I strongly believe that the effects of technology are harmful to kids. Flickering electronic screens, whether from TV or cell phones or tablets or computers, along with excitable viewing content, is no… Continue Reading
It’s well known that night shift-work can increase the risk of obesity, heart attack, diabetes, and breast cancer. But several common daily habits can mess up your biological rhythms as well. How well is your biological clock ticking? Is it… Continue Reading
Losing weight – that you plan to keep off – is not about “going on a diet.” It’s about incorporating healthy dieting tips like these into your regular routine to effectively change your lifestyle habits, including what and… Continue Reading
A study out of the Netherlands concludes that sufficient sleep – more than seven hours a night − should be added to lifestyle factors aimed at reducing the risk of cardiovascular events like stroke and heart attack. The researchers… Continue Reading
Myth: Flu shots are your best defense against the flu. Fact: They’re not terribly effective and can give you a false sense of security. What to Do: Keep your immune system strong. If you Google “flu shot” you… Continue Reading
People usually associate melatonin with sleep aids – and it is a natural one… But among it’s other great attributes, melatonin also can help lower elevated blood pressure. To learn more about it, I interviewed Russel Reiter, Ph.D.,… Continue Reading
Having trouble sleeping? These days, many people are in this boat. Between the pandemic and it’s domino effect on so many aspects of our lives, our collective stress is high. In this article – which I hope can… Continue Reading
Page last updated April 13, 2023. Since grounding (as we know it today) is so new to medical science, and doctors have only recently started tapping into grounding’s potential health benefits, people all over the Internet have questions… Continue Reading
Page last updated April 13, 2023. During my many years in medical practice I have seen remarkable advances in technology that give physicians unprecedented ability to save lives. However, if you were to ask me about the most… Continue Reading