“I do most things right and am in good health, but I have a family history of high cholesterol. My cholesterol is really high and my doctor says I have to do something about it. I’m really worried…. Continue Reading

Dr. Sinatra's HeartMD Institute
Dr. Stephen SinatraStephen T. Sinatra, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.N., C.N.S., C.B.T., was a board-certified cardiologist, certified bioenergetic psychotherapist, and certified nutrition and anti-aging specialist who integrated the best and least invasive alterative and conventional therapies into his practice. He lectured and facilitated workshops worldwide and authored numerous books, articles and peer reviewed medical journal articles. He was often sought for integrative medical advice, and appeared on many national radio and television shows. He is best known for his groundbreaking work in cardiology, Earthing, stress management and using food and supplements to heal the body.
“I do most things right and am in good health, but I have a family history of high cholesterol. My cholesterol is really high and my doctor says I have to do something about it. I’m really worried…. Continue Reading
Not guilty…and it’s about time. That’s my take on the 2015 finding of the influential U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee that cholesterol in food is “not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption.” Until now, the “official” position on cholesterol consumption… Continue Reading
Tired all the time? There can be many causes of fatigue, and obviously, if the fatigue persists you should see a doctor. But your doctor may not know the answer… Meanwhile, you need to work, function, and live…. Continue Reading
There are all sorts of pages on the Web right now that still reflect outdated, overly simplified information about cholesterol, and your doctor may also be telling you the same things. Here are the basics of cholesterol that… Continue Reading
For the first time in a decade, experts from the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association announced new prevention and medication guidelines aimed at reducing heart attack and stroke risk related to arterial disease. The… Continue Reading
In 2011, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ordered the manufacturers of statins, the widely prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs, to include a warning on medication labels about the potential for raising blood sugar levels. The action took place after… Continue Reading
Beware of “Side Effectitis…” More than 1.5 million people are hospitalized and more than 100,000 die each year from largely preventable adverse reactions to drugs. Today, a full 61 percent of adults use at least one drug to treat… Continue Reading
In June of 2011, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning about the increased risk of muscle pain and weakness (myopathy) from high-dose Zocor (simvastatin), a popular cholesterol-lowering statin drug. Specifically, the agency cited the 80-milligram dose… Continue Reading
A nutrient vital for heart function, coenzyme Q10 has for years been a mainstay for cardiovascular disease prevention and recovery among integrative cardiologists. Now, recent evidence from a study headed by Beatrice Golomb, M.D., Ph.D. at the University… Continue Reading
By Larry Dossey, MD. On three sparkling, crisp days in late February, I attended a meeting in the nation’s capitol at the Institute of Medicine (IOM). The IOM is part of America’s great temple of science, the National… Continue Reading