heart health


This class of drugs includes Tambocor (flecainide), Procanbid (procainamide), Cordarone (amiodarone), Betapace (sotalol), and Lanoxin (digitalis or digoxin). Arrhythmia is the diagnosis used by cardiologists when the heartbeat is irregular or its rhythm is abnormal, due to problems… Continue Reading

HMDI Heart Health Q & A

Readers often e-mail us health related questions. Although we do not provide medical advice or consultation through HeartMD Institute, we do post general answers to inquiries with hopes of helping others who may have similar questions. Do you have… Continue Reading

Q&A: Cardiac Procedures

*Q: My doctor has recommended that I get a pacemaker since I started having episodes of slow heart rate due to atrial fibrillation. I’m also on a number of drugs. Can you suggest any natural remedies? Slow heart rates during atrial… Continue Reading